Assalamualaikum & Hello!

Currently in hospital because my son got admitted here with Prof Dato Dr Azizi in KPJ Damansara. So I have some idea to kill my time sementara my son tengah nyenyak tidur. So I teringat dekat my blog yang dah bersawang ni, and I baru perasan, I have mood untuk sharing info in my blog at everytime I got admitted in hospital. 😆

Ok as my 1st experience was deliver my 1st daughter di UMSC which was so awesome memories, but for the second memories in Colombia Asia, the price was much much cheaper than UMSC, which just cost me RM2,900 for normal delivery with Dr Raja Juhaidah ( She is quite famous in Puchong - Serdang expecting mom). And actually the price is also included with the baby handling charges. Very affordable isnt it?

I was very happy with Dr Raja Juhaidah, but I am not so happy with the hospital service. I have some bad experience with the nurse there (this 2 person only I got problem) and I dont want to talk about it anymore.

And the price I want highlight here, is really-really reasonable so you can consider they will be possibility hard to get single room after you deliver. Myself, I got a double room and during my deliver time, Doc Raja manage to handle 4 expecting mom in a row. woah, I can heard shouting voice from the other labour room which make me panic! wahahahah.. cannot imagine how I feel that time..

The room I was stay right after deliver my son in Colombia Asia Puchong Hospital. It was two bedded room.


Assalamualaikum and hi!

Alhamdulillah, I dah selamat deliver my second child, on early April. And bersalin dekat Colombia Asia Puchong, with Dr Raja Juhaidah. Not in a mood untuk cerita pengalaman bersalin. Sebab today mood lebih untuk cerita pasal set pantang.

Untuk second time deliver ni, I tekad nak guna set pantang NR sebab review member-member seangkatan semua macam best.  Tambah pulak dgn detail review by famous blogger irine nadia.
So dalam set pantang herbanika NR ni, I beli online RM260 unuk satu set tanpa bengkung, but tetiba after deliver tu baru perasan I need bengkung utk perjalanan jauh sikit balik nak berpantang di hometown. So I change the order to get set yang berharga RM290 6 items and bengkung.
I beli online sebab cheaper. Ni link dia.
Yang best nye, order masa hari deliver. Esoknya dia COD terus ke rumah. Syok kan? Cepat gile!

Hasil carian imej untuk set pantang NR

Ok dalam set NR ni ada 6 barang + 1 bengkung tali tu.

  1. PhytoNatal 90 biji
  2. Krim Herbanika Barut 60g.
  3. Herbanika Lulur 100g.
  4. Minyak Herbanika 100ml.
  5. Uncang Cuci Herbanika 10 t-bag.
  6. Akar Herbanika 10 t-bag
  7. Bengkung Moden Tali

Ok moh review satu-satu item.

Phytonatal : item ni sangat berguna as experience masa deliver 1st baby dulu. Tapi.. actually im not recomended sgt makan kalau those mom yang fully breastfeed baby nya. As my experience dulu masa pantang Hana, I mengalami cirit yg teruk, semua ubat i try tak jalan, termasuklah ubat provide by hospital ( yang macam air gula tu). So my ex schoolmate, Lino suggest untuk makan phytonatal to avoid sembelit. Alhamdulillah its work for me. No mo sembelit yahoo! But,., Hana is admitted and doctor suspect I makan suppliment menyebabkan she cirit teruk and sakit perut . Masa tu she was 2 months old. So what can i say here, maybe tak semua baby should try tengok reaction baby dulu. this is my own assumption only.

Krim Herbanika Barut 60g. Item ni sangat best! sebab I rasa perut I kurang buncit dengan cepatnya. hehe. dengan syarat, perlu rajin bertunku dan pakai bengkung. I pernah guna several item lain macam brand tanamera + anugerah not so good for me.

Herbanika Lulur 100g.: ok yang ni buat mandi. dia jadi mcm body scrub. its actually sama macam set tanamaera (tak ingat nama apa hehe). but for me, untuk mandian, I prefer set tanamera sebab memang memberi tenaga.

Minyak Herbanika 100ml. : minyak ni sangat berguna. Bagi aku, beli extra satu botol untuk bawa masa dah nak deliver baby. Sebab lepas bersalin, masa dekat hospital boleh dah sapu seluruh badan bagi badan panas. Memang selesa. Lagi-lagi aircond hospital yang tak berapa nak boleh slow kan tu kan? I pernah rasa seram sejuk macam nak demam masa di hospital sebab tak tahan dengan air cond dia.

Uncang Cuci Herbanika 10 t-bag.: Ok ini guna sama macam function letak garam yang diberi oleh hospital. Tapi, I tak guna sangat sebab I prefer guna daun jambu. Lagi cepat jahitan tu baik.

Akar Herbanika 10 t-bag : Ok this one? I tak guna langsung. Haha tak bagus betul I ni. Sepatutnya gunalah, tapi sebab I ni penakut sikit nk makan-makan sebab fully breastfeed baby. So I decide untuk hold sampai dah tak breastfeed baby nanti. So, jangan buang! simpan untuk guna nanti. Air akar kayu ni bagus untuk beri tenaga.

Bengkung Moden Tali: Bengkung ni sangat berjasa. Especially I nak travel jauh dari hospital balik kampung ( tempat berpantang is my MOM house huhu). And senang nak pakai sendiri. Lagi mudah kalau pakai sambil baring.

Kesimpulannya, I prefer set tanamerah + loose item NR seperti minyak herbanika I will buy 2, and bengkung.

Hope Im helping bakal-bakal ibu :)
